Monday, June 23, 2008

are you scared yet?

which one will u take?
Guillermo del Toro of 'Pan's Labyrinth' kind of style..sort of

or the so called Asian extreme cinema of Long Khong
and what will u say for sumone who has a knack for that kind of stuff?

scare me and i will show u how deep the rabbit's hole goes

Thursday, June 12, 2008


I thought it was you

but no, it is your ghost

i dont miss you

its your ghost that i miss

you will die

but your ghost

will live and haunts me

in the end..

it's only your Ghost and Me

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Hurmmm rasakan...

Ni laaa akibatnya...

Memang gila... Sampai 78 sen naik nya...

Tak tahu la aku nak kata banyak camne. Dah agak benda ni mesti jadi punya...

:: KPS Snapshots ::